Taiwan LINE App Marketing

If you're looking to:

✔ Transform LINE into a high-appeal mini-official website

✔ Implement multi-layered rich menus or multi-page message extensions

✔ Turn LINE from a social media channel into a money-making machine

Line social media marketing examples

Create an amazing mini-official site right on LINE

LINE has 21 million users in Taiwan, effectively penetrating various aspects of life among Taiwanese people, aside from the very young and the elderly. Originating as a messaging app, it has expanded into payments, e-commerce, media, and advertising services in recent years, establishing itself as a true super app in Taiwan.

The LINE Biz CB department in Taiwan manages the LINE Official Account service (abbreviated as LINE OA), which functions like a mini-official website. It's a vital channel for companies or brands to establish their image, offer customer appointments, membership services, and customer support.

*Gentler Digit official account Example (below video): Join Gentler Digit on LINE 🥰

Line bot rich menu example

Line social media marketing strategy

Designing the welcome message for a LINE Official Account

Setting up the welcome message for a LINE Official Account is a critical step in attracting and retaining user attention. As soon as a customer adds you as a friend, giving them an appealing welcome message is key. This not only conveys your brand information but also delivers a unique brand warmth.

The backend offers a wealth of setting options, allowing the editing of up to 10 types of messages, including text, images, stickers, videos, etc., and supports the addition of elements like coupons and rich messages.

Moreover, special features like emoticons and the use of friend display names can make welcome messages more lively and personalized. Effectively utilizing these tools can enhance the user experience and foster deeper interaction.

Designing the welcome message for your LINE Official Account. *Guide new friends to chat and label immediately.

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A Warm Start for LINE Friends: Segmentation + Automated Reply

We recommend you to guide new LINE friends to chat and label them immediately in your welcome message. Also, utilizing carefully designed automated reply messages. Thus when customers join your LINE Official Account (LINE OA), engage them in immediate conversation with your account, guiding them towards deeper interaction.

For example, if your company has stores all over Taiwan, you can ask for their "residence" in your welcome message, making it easier to communicate targeted marketing activities regionally later on.

Alternatively, you could ask them to select their "zodiac sign," "interests," or "favorite product categories" during the welcome. In short, don't miss the opportunity to make a memorable first impression with your new LINE friends with enthusiasm and emotion!

After taking these steps, the LINE management console allows you to see immediately who has added you as a friend, enabling the brand to initiate conversations proactively. Customized communication is a key strategy to increase the popularity of your LINE Official Account. It can enhance user engagement and satisfaction, reduce the risk of being blocked, and lower push notification costs.

LINE Labels & Auto-reply messages: Auto-reply message demonstration: You can immediately see who has added friends in the backend and initiate a conversation.

Effective use of mass vs. targeted broadcasts with LINE

In managing LINE, making effective use of segmentation is crucial. While mass messaging is suitable for broadcasting general media content, segmentation is more appropriate for deepening communication and fostering relationships.

The LINE Official Account platform provides robust segmentation capabilities, enabling brands to send targeted messages to specific user groups. This targeted approach not only minimizes user annoyance, leading to fewer unfollows, but also optimizes message delivery and reduces costs.

For example, audience types for targeted messaging include:

LINE Messages sending: mass vs. targeted broadcasts with LINE

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Advanced multi-layer LINE rich menu

The LINE rich menu is located at the bottom of the chat interface, ensuring high visibility as it appears every time a friend opens LINE, making it ideal for central information dissemination and traffic generation.

While a well-set automated reply can already significantly reduce customer service inquiries, modern users may not always prefer direct interaction with customer service. Moreover, an overload of information can easily overwhelm users within LINE. For brands with rich content, employing multi-level advanced LINE rich menus can be effective. Additionally, incorporating flexible template messages like Flex Message or Template Message into the multi-level rich menu can enhance user experience (as shown in the image below).

*Gentler Digit official account demonstration: Join Gentler Digit on LINE 🥰

Advanced multi-layer LINE rich menu:  Template message Flex Message Text message Sticker message Image message Video message Audio message Location message Imagemap message

Alternatively, clicking on the LINE rich menu can directly open the typing field with a pre-filled reservation form content (as shown in the image below). This feature is exceptionally suitable for industries such as charter services, airport transfers, legal consultation, business consultation, accounting consultation, restaurant reservations, and interior decoration. 

Official accounts in these sectors can transform LINE into a both internally and externally appealing brand operation center with minimal budget!

Advanced LINE chat pre-filling, booking, and reservation
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Taiwan LINE / SEO / MarTech / Marketing
Company Name: Gentler Digit Co., Ltd.Registration Number: 83005001Company Address: 2F, No. 1, Section 4, Xinyi Road, Da’an District, Taipei City 10684
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